Design Under Duress

Yikes, I Have To Move !

Planning a new home project during and as a result of trauma can result in making very bad decisions. Most of us have been there to experience emotional turmoil such as break up or loss of loved one.

We show up at the hair stylist and ask for something new “I would like bangs please”.  A decision we come to regret until they grow out or we wear our hair completely different.  Later we see in the mirror a person we don’t recognize. The same holds true when planning a new home after a divorce or any trauma that causes a change of home. Now is the time to tread carefully.

Making costly decisions under the umbrella of grief is not wise. How do you know how the space will be used when your routine has been replaced with the unknown?  Interior Designers first questions in space planning are usually:

  • How do you want to use this space?
  • Do you entertain often? Rarely?
  • Do your children want this to be the neighborhood hangout?
  • Will you be adopting several cats?
  • Do you plan on having weekend guests?

This time of transition is when selecting a professional that works for you is most critical. The designer you consider should ask many questions about how you see yourself in the new space. What makes you feel comfortable and comforted? Your homework is to have the answers to these questions. Building a new life in a new space can be daunting. It should not be overwhelming or you are not quite up to task yet. I hope it is energizing. Keep in mind “excuse the pun” you are not the same person you where before the trauma.

This new space though can help you get on track if the choices come from knowing yourself. Look for and find images of objects and places that make you feel good. Collect these in a notebook or on a board. Pay attention to what you like about these and how they make you feel. These items may not relate well to one another but at this juncture it does not matter. That interviewing designer should ask why for example do you like the 18th century gold brocade love seat? The answers you offer fielded well will become the elements of a space plan.

Most people become impatient and want to rush to result. In this scenario if you do not take your time it will cost you money. Pay attention to what brings you joy.

Hang in there.

If you would like help creating your new space, contact me.  Wishing you happy times ahead.


Image: – Kinga Cichewicz

